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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Redwork Embroidery

Quite a while ago Deb from The Angel and the Pukeko sent me this redwork kit. I had told her how I admired her stitcheries and I think she was hoping to get me hooked on embroidery. The other day, after waiting quite a few boring minutes in the parking lot for the girls to get out of school, I remembered Deb saying that these small redwork projects are perfect take along projects. Ah ha! I came home and put this kit in the car, so I can work on it the next time I find myself waiting in the car. Stitching is a whole lot better than sitting in the car and doing nothing!


1. quiltingnana said...

cute project...

2. Mrs Quilty said...

Those are very cute and perfect for take-along projects. I do embroidery and find it the perfect companion for those impatient moments!

3. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

So cute, your doing a good job. I love doing embroidery. I have some blocks I work on every night while relaxing. They are perfect for taking along. Can't wait to see it finished.

4. Betsy said...

excellent idea.

5. Deb said...

Wahoo, looking good Susan. It really is satisying to have something to do in your bag at times of waiting! You maight get a bit addicted!!

6. julia said...

I can't stand to sit and do nothing. This looks like a great project to do in the car while waiting.

7. Jackie's Stitches said...

What a smart idea! And it looks like you're coming right along with it!

I'm developing an interest in stitching too. Right now my project is in time out!

8. Lori said...

It's the perfect little car project!

9. Terry said...

Pretty! I also take a book along when I think I might have to sit and wait. :0)

10. Karen said...

Cute pattern! That reminds me of the Polka-Dot Girls.

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