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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Free Motion Fun!

I spent yesterday afternoon at a friend's house playing with her Juki machine and Grace quilting frame. I've always said that I am a piecer and not a quilter. I'm just not crazy about the whole basting and quilting process...that was until yesterday. I love that I can put backing, batting and quilt top on the frame and not even have to think about basting, in fact, I had the whole quilt quilted in the time that it would normally take me to baste it! I just did a simple "loop the loop" design, but for the first try I think it turned out pretty darn good! Now I'm addicted...I am SO getting a quilting machine and frame!


1. Pokey said...

Yes! This has been a lifelong dream of mine. and we found a Pfaff Grand Quilter and frame for sale at a reasonable price this summer. I am elated! But, I am learning by trial and error, and caught a few pleats in my quilting back. Still, it is so wonderful what can be accomplished that seemed so daunting before.
I have completed 3 quilts since July, and one was 98 inches by 115 inches, a half hexagon pattern. Love it!
I know you would love it, too. The only other thing is the space. I used the grabber line at my back to school, "tell something new that happened this summer", "I own six sewing machines, and one is over ten feet long!" *vbg* pokey

2. Mary L. said...

I love my Juki! But don't have a frame and really don't have room for one.

3. Needled Mom said...

It sounds like it was fun too.

4. Jocelyn said...

This is a dream of mine. I would love to own an HQ16, but I don't have room for any kind of frame at this time. But maybe, one day.........

5. Anya said...

Now do you believe me? Your quilting looks great! Welcome to the club, but just be prepared -- you won't have any time to clean your house. Believe me, I know...

6. Karen said...

I just did some quilting on an HQ16-if you thought the Juki was fun, you should try the HQ16! What at difference those inches make! Just wish I had room for a frame set-up at my house. Need to be happy to be able to rent time at the dealer's-Better than battling with getting a big quilt through my Bernina!

7. Barb said...

Huge big SMILE :>D from me to you...looks like fun and you did a great job! It can only get better ~ "you go girl"!! Have a great weekend!

8. Julia said...

Very nice. I love the patriotic colors in your quilt.

9. blushing rose said...

Love the colors & the design. Have a lovely weekend. TTFN ~Marydon

10. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Oh lucky you! I would love to have a one of those quilting machines or at least be able to try one for a while. It would make life so much easier. I am glad you got to try one. Santa, maybe?

11. Kathy P said...

I knew you'd do it! Congrats and have fun! Now we can compare "Juki-Notes" at Needles!

12. Mrs Quilty said...

How wonderful that you learned to quilt so fast and loved it! I'd love to do that! However, no room in the sewing room, anyway at this point. The work you did looks lovely!! Nice job! Like the colors of the quilt too!

13. Deb said...

Top green envy if you do!!
Do you think it would be to far to send my quilt tops over to you......mmmm..............

14. Janet said...

You've been converted. It would be a great thing to have for basting for hand quilting as well. It's amazing how quick these quilts can be finished.

15. Lori said...

I'm with you on this one. I love piecing the tops but don't look forward to basting and quilting.
It looks like you had a fun productive day!

16. Anonymous said...

Hi Suzie,
Krista just contacted me and told me you were quite the celebrity in the quilting world. I'm not much of a quilter, but wanted to let you know that you are dear to my heart and that I really appreciate you following my life on our blog and passing along my new one.

Keep on stitching!

17. Karen said...

Good for you! You did a wonderful job. :)

18. Jackie's Stitches said...

I have a Pfaff Grand Quilter but no frame. I'd love to have the room to set up a frame somewhere! It works really well for free motion quilting.

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