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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

It's A Start!

The free motion stitch of the day on 365 Days of Free Motion Quilting yesterday was "Cat Hairball" and after I read Leah's post I convinced myself that even I would be able to do that one! I layered a few scraps with some batting and sat down at the machine. After just a couple of minutes I was quilting right along with no trouble at all! If you notice in Leah's post, she implies that even a 2 year-old can free motion quilt this pattern, so I'm not claiming to have acomplished much, but at least it's a start!


1. julia said...

Those colors are incredible. You are doing a great job!

2. Quilts and Cats said...

I've been following Leah too! She does inspire and give you confidence to try it Her videos make it so clear. Looks like you did just great!

3. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Looks good to me!!!


4. Leah said...

You're doing terrific Susan! I love that thread and fabric combo.

Just try speeding up just a big, but keep your hand movement the same so that your stitches get a little smaller.

I'm sure you'll get it in no time!


5. Dena said...

The thread colors really make this quilting stitch work. Great job!

6. Krista said...

Yea for you! Look at all those circles!

7. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Well Susan, that looks good to me but from my experience with free motion quilting I would say that would have to be a talented 2 year old. I think it is difficult to get the rhythm down.

8. Anonymous said...

Well done Susan it is looking so pretty with all those colours.

9. Barb said...

Practice, practice, practice is what Mickey and I learned at Quilt Odyssey this summer...Mickey had it down pat...ME not so much! I was too tense, and remembering the class the speed of the machine and the movement of your hands makes a huge difference! "By golly I think you have it"...keep on going! YOU CAN DO IT!

10. Jean said...

This is great. I am going to try some of these when my life slows down a bit.

11. Vivian said...

Thanks for mentioning Leah's great blog. I'm telling all my free motion quilting friends. I can't believe she's so young and has time for such detailed, informative posts.
Great colors on your work!

12. Yvette said...

Thanks for the inspiration. I am just beginning on the machine quilting venture so am loving reading all the tips from everyone. Love Leah Day's site too. She is great.
Happy Quilting!

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