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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sign Of A Mild Winter?

We had several storms blow through our area yesterday with lots of thunder, lightning, rain, hail and wind. Storms like that are quite uncommon for our area...especially this time of year. Have you ever heard the saying "thunder in fall, no winter at all"? I can only hope that it's true!


1. Karen said...

I hope it's true too!

2. julia said...

I've never heard that saying. We are always looking for wooly worms to see if they are mostly black or if they have more brown on them. The more black the colder the winter will be. Also we look for hornets' nests. I forget what it means if they build them high in the trees or low. One means cold, the other means mild. We always count the fogs in August to see how many snows we'll have, too.

3. Needled Mom said...

I can't wait to see if it holds true.

4. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

I have heard that saying but I wonder. We had such a wet and cool summer and now a cooler than normal fall as well. Guess time will tell.

5. Jocelyn said...

After such a hard winter last year, it would be a blessing to have a warm one this year. We have had a very wet summer,which has kept us with lots of pretty green grass:-)

6. webbsway said...

I too, hope it is true! We live in Va. and we too are having heavy rain and High winds with trees coming down and we lost our electricity! It is 56 here today and the winds are still whipping.

My hubby gave me his cold that he caught from our grown son . I HATE to be sick - so if I could have one wish - it would be that nobody else would get sick the rest of the year!

7. Diana said...

I hope that's true! Our local paper examined the wooly worms and the shapes of the persimmon seeds and declared that the signs pointed toward lots of snow this winter. I like your prediction better!

8. Rene' said...

I haven't heard that saying. All I know is that it is SO hot still where I am. I think we are having a cool front come in tomorrow and the high will dip to 83. Whoo Hoo!!!

9. Rene' said...

P.S. Do you mind me asking how to get a Project Linus button for my blog? I saw yours and want one too ;-)))

10. Millie said...

Me too! Our last two winters in NH have been VERY snowy, and I could use a break. Warmer too, would be really good!

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