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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

"New" Scrap Basket!

Yesterday Anya and I made a trip to Coudersport for their community yard sale day with the hopes of finding a $5.00 Featherweight just like a friend of ours did several years back. Our luck wasn't quite that good, but I did find this wire egg basket that is going to make a fantastic scrap basket! It's huge and holds all my scraps with room to spare. The best part about it is that I can see what is on the bottom and even pull scraps through the sides, so maybe I won't have to dump it out the next time I'm looking for a certain color.


1. Jocelyn said...

Wow love your basket. My scrap pile keeps growing, so it would be great to see it from all sides :-)

2. Barb said...

Fun purchase...great advantage having a "scrap basket" with open sides! Good idea...and would fit perfectly with the furnishings in my house :>)!! A $5.00Featherweight, that would be a wonderful find...my boss picked one up for me a few weeks ago, all attachments included and I thought $25.00 was a great deal! Have a wonderful Labor Day!

3. Terry said...

Nice egg basket! Have fun with your scraps! :0)

4. AverettLadyNana said...

Love your scrap basket. I have a similar one that was used for clams and one used of crabs by my grandfather...I've used them for magazines and books...but they are going to have a new use for me now...thanks for the idea...hope you don't mind be being a copycat!!

5. Hazel said...

Love the egg basket what a great place for your scraps .

6. Anonymous said...

Great find Susan. It's a lovely shape too.

7. Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

Nice find. Not as good as a $5 Featherweight, but still a great purchase!

8. Becky said...

Great idea. It's never occured to me to use a wire basket for scraps. I'll have to be on the look-out for one. Good luck on the Featherweight hunt. I got mine for $50 at a garage sale, but it needed lots of work.

9. Jean said...

Great find!!!

10. Karen said...

The perfect scrap basket!

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