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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, September 11, 2009

We Must Never Forget

When I began Friday Favorites last week I didn't think ahead to what holidays would be falling on Fridays. I feel that 9-11 is too important to ignore just for a "fluffy" post. We must never forget what happened on this day 8 short years ago, so today instead of Friday Favorites I ask that you join me in remembering the men and women who died in the attacks of 9-11 and pray for the families who are missing them. I also ask that you say a prayer for the members of the Army, Air Force, Navy, Marines and Coastguard (Active Duty, Reserves and National Guard alike) who serve to protect our nation against further terrorist attacks. May God bless America and all of our military.

It's been suggested that I post the Friday Favorites questions in advance so that the bloggers who want to play along can have time to prepare their post, so the Friday Favorites question for September 18th will be...

Autumn officially begins on Tuesday. I hate to see summer end, especially since mother nature cheated me out of so many hot sunny days over the last three months, so help me see the positive sides about Autumn's arrival! Post your favorite thing about Autumn, whether it is the bright colors of the trees, crisp cool days or your favorite apple or pumpkin recipe!

If you want to play along, come back next Friday and leave a link to your Friday Favorites blog post in the comments section.


1. Terry said...

I did a Google search this morning for September 11 images and seeing those buildings in flames still tears at my heart. So many lives lost, so many children left behind who lost a mom or dad or both. Such a tragedy for so many to endure.

2. Anonymous said...

Hia Susan, although I don't do Fav 5 I do enjoy reading them. My next post will be full of pics I took yesterday playing with lovely Husband's best camera. I think they will show how pretty early Autumn is.

3. julia said...

We can never forget that day. It's one of those days that one will always remember where he/she was and what he/she was doing when the first plane hit. We were on our way to a funeral.

4. Dena said...

Thank you...

5. Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

Good post for 9/11. It's still horrifying to watch what happened.

6. Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

Thank you for honoring those lives lost and the families, friends and neighbors closely affected by the Sept. 11th tragedy. We all experienced loss and great sadness on that horrific day!

My niece's husband was killed in the twin towers and we miss him greatly!


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