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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday Favorites

This has absolutely nothing to do with stitching, cooking or anything else related to this blog, but I thought it would be something fun to try. (To be honest, I haven't spent any time at all in the sewing room since I got home from vacation and I'm struggling for a post idea!) For the next few Friday's I'm going to post about one of my favorite things (maybe quilt related, maybe not). Leave a comment telling me what your "Friday Favorite" is and if you want to play along on your blog, just post about this week's favorite and leave a link to your post in the comments section.

This week's Friday Favorite...

What is your all time favorite movie? You know, it's the one that you can recite every line word for word and watch over and over AND over!

I have several and can narrow the my list down to a few...Gone With the Wind, To Kill a Mockingbird, Rio Bravo, but #1 always goes to The Wizard of Oz. I have such fond memories of watching that movie as a kid. I think because it was always such a big event at our house. My mom would mark the TV guide and we would look forward to seeing it all week long. It meant that we got to stay up late camped out in front of the TV with a bowl of jiffy pop popcorn (remember that?) and hiding under the blankets from the wicked witch and her evil flying monkeys. Those were the days!

Read about other bloggers favorite movies at the following sites...

Krista's Krafting
Prairie Moon Quilts
The Sewing Granny


1. Krista said...


Check out my favorite at:


2. Anya said...

Yes, that's one of my favorites, too. But I'll add that one that is high on my list is "Princess Bride"...most people wouldn't consider it a "classic", but it's a favorite in our house.

3. Anonymous said...

How fun! I'm in . . .

Here's mine: http://prairiemoonquilts.wordpress.com/2009/09/04/friday-favorites/

4. Vivian said...

I have too many favorites to easily work down to one, but if there's one I absolutely will not miss, one I can recite the lines for, etc -- it's "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid." Robert Redford looking really good, Paul Newman at his most charming, great humor throughout the whole movie, classic scenes and lines, and I enjoy it every time I know it'll be on TV.

5. Bonnie said...

I also have fond memories of watching "The Wizard of Oz" once a year. My all time favorite movie: "Singing in the Rain".

6. sweetiepie said...

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

I remember how excited we would be to watch the Wizard of Oz every year. We didn't even have a color tv so I never got the real impact of the movie until I was older and married and we got our first color tv sometime in the 70's.

Ah...memories, I will enjoy them.

Thanks for sharing.

7. webbsway said...

Hi Susan-how much fun and thank you for letting us play along. I have posted about your game on my blog along with my answer- what a wonderful idea! Thank you so much.
Linda - the sewing granny at


8. Jocelyn said...

Oh my I can remember doing that too when I was a kid. It was such a big deal every year. I think my very favorite movie is Pride and Prejudice (1985 version). I can watch that movie over and over and never tire of the sweet love story between Elizabeth Bennett and Mr Darcy. To me it is a classic.

9. Jackie's Stitches said...

Wizard of Oz is without a doubt my favorite movie of all time. I can still remember how I felt the first time I watched it. I was THRILLED when Wicked came to my city!

10. Tara said...

Mmm--I really like Breakfast at Tiffany's and Dirty Dancing--Not to mention gone with the wind--my namesake, literally!

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