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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Favorites

Autumn officially begins on Tuesday. I hate to see summer end, especially since mother nature cheated me out of so many hot sunny days over the last three months, so help me see the positive sides of Autumn's arrival! Post your favorite thing about Autumn, whether it is the bright colors of the trees, crisp cool days or your favorite apple or pumpkin recipe!

One of my favorite things about Autumn is baking! Of course, most of you already know that I love baking year round, but there's something special about fall baking and cooking. I was all set to share my apple pie recipe in this post, but that was before saw this recipe for Apple Cake in an Iron Skillet on The Pioneer Woman Cooks and decided to try it instead. It's a delicious apple upside down cake, but I have one recommendation...make sure that your skillet is at least 9" and deeper than the one I used or the topping will bubble over in the oven making your house smell more like burning Autumn leaves than apples and cinnamon. Not to mention that you will also have to spend the rest of the day with a can of Easy-Off and a Brillo pad!

Leave a comment telling me what your "Friday Favorite" is and if you want to play along on your blog, just post about this week's favorite and leave a link to your post in the comments section.

Another good thing about Autumn is that is the beginning of what I like to call "quilting season", so it's time to start planning this season's quilt projects! For next week's Friday Favorites, post about your favorite quilt block or pattern and be sure to tell why it's your favorite!

Read about other Autumn Friday Favorites at the following sites...
Prairie Moon Quilts
Krista's Krafting


1. Jean said...

I'm coming over to try some!!!! Get ready. My favorite Friday thing since school started is that it IS Friday. I know, lame, but what can I say?

2. Shelly said...

That pie looks wonderful. I love the Pioneer Woman! I posted my favorite autumn thing here: http://prairiemoonquilts.wordpress.com/2009/09/18/friday-favorites-autumn/

3. julia said...

Ahhhh autumn! It means beautiful leaves, cooler days and nights, football, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas preparations! I love the fall. My mom always said it was her favorite time of the year because the leaves would fall off the trees and she could see things that she couldn't see in the summer. She likes the openess of it all. I used to think she was weird thinking this way, but I understand it now.

4. Needled Mom said...

I hate to see our short summer coming to an end too, but love the idea of the cooler weather comfort food cooking. The ccoking magazines have the most wonderful covers. I also love the warm sweaters.

5. Karen said...

Now that looks yummy! Autumn is my favourite season.

6. Karen said...

My favorite fall thing is the leaves changing color. I also enjoy making pies.
This year those few summer days were not enough for me-I would love a few more before fall truly begins but I fear it's too late!

7. Krista said...

Mine is the Apples! and everything you can do with them!


8. Molly said...

My favorite season is fall, I love watching all the leaves change color and then baking bread and its wonderful smell.

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