You might think that two years to plan a little quilt exhibit sounds like a long time...I thought so too when I was helping to organize the 2008 Exhibit, but those two years go by very fast and there is a lot that needs to be done in that short amount of time.
The first thing on my "to do" list is to get started on the quilt that will be raffled off at the end of the 2010 Exhibit. The pattern that we (the Raffle Quilt Committee and myself) have selected for the raffle quilt is, Dressed to the Nines, a pattern that appeared in the November 2003 issue of Quilters Newsletter magazine. It's a relatively simple pattern of nine-patch and half-square blocks that will allow guild members of all skill levels to help with the piecing. The fabric line that we are using is Wildflower Serenade II by Moda and it goes beautifully with the design of the quilt. Once the top is pieced, a group of talented ladies from the guild will hand applique the center medallion and floral border around the outside edge. The finished top will then be hand quilted by guild members. It's going to take some time to complete, but I have no doubt that the MLQG 2010 raffle quilt will be nothing short of dazzling once it is finished!
And speaking of my "influential friend"...stop by Hills Creek Quilter and find out how she is managing to keep me off the streets and out of trouble!
Susan, you really must stop blaming all your problems on a certain "influential friend". Didn't your mother ever teach you to take responsibility for your predicaments!
Seriously though...you'll do a great job with the 2010 exhibit (why do you think I picked you as co-chair last time?) -- you seem to have things well under control already!
Sounds like Anya is going to keep you in selvages! At least it will keep you out of trouble!
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