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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Grandma's Gameboy

This is another quilt that caught my eye at the Quilters' Heritage Celebration in Lancaster earlier this month. The quilt was made by Sandra Peterson of Muncie, IN and was inspired by the antique game boards that she played with as a child. Not only was I drawn to this quilt by its design and color, but I loved the name...Grandma's Gameboy! Although my kids have had different video game systems over the years, I have never been a big fan of them myself. I would much rather spend my time accomplishing something (like working on a quilt). After Easter dinner yesterday I spent the evening playing Wii with my grandchildren and the rest of the family. I will admit that it was tons of fun and a great way to spend the evening, but my aching muscles tell me today that this grandmama is much better suited for quilting!


1. Jean said...

Very pretty quilt. I don't have wii but have played a little at my sisters. It is fun and supposed to be great exercise!

2. Anonymous said...

What an unusual quilt. I like her inspiration source- there is definately a golden varnish or aging to her colours. Amazing detail.

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