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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

AAQI Mini Retreat

Yesterday our guild held an AAQI (Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative) Mini Retreat for guild members to make mini quilts. These mini quilts will all be donated to Ami Simms for her Priority: Alzheimer's Quilt Project when she visits our guild in June. I have written about this project before, but for those of you who are unaware, these little 9" x 12" quilts are auctioned from the AAQI website or sold outright at select locations across the United States with 100% of the profits going directly to Alzheimer's research. It's an amazing project that has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars mainly due to generous quilters who have donated a bit of their time and a few scraps of fabric. The photo above is just a small sampling of the mini quilts that were completed by the group yesterday. I think everyone who attended would agree with me and say that it was lots of fun spending the day together piecing scraps for such a great cause!


1. Jean said...

What an awesome project, is one of those yours? They are beautiful!

2. Carol said...

I love working in the 12" size. The quilts are lovely. Good luck with the fundraiser and thanks to all of you for being involved.

3. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Those are beautiful. I did not know about the program. Thank you for educating me on the subject. What a great idea.


4. Anonymous said...

Hia Susan, I have a few days out of blogland and there is so much to catch up on! The children went back to school today so I am doing a house chore then coming back here and replying to a few blogs as a reward then back to the house again. In theory the housework will be done while my mind is in Blogland. :-)

Well done with your BOM quilt it is wonderful. You must be so proud. I've not had a quilt done by a professional person- so brave of you. I'd be quaking in my boots.

Spring has been happening here too. Isn't it wonderful!

The altzeimers quilts are a lovely idea. I'd imagine the size also lets you experiment with a new technique without the commitment of a huge project. Thanks for sharing.

5. Barbra said...

Those mini quilts are terrific and for a worthy cause as well.

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