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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

One More For Project Linus

Once a month a group from our guild meets at a friend's lake house to sew together. I almost always use this time to make a charity quilt from the stash of donated fabrics that is kept there. This month I was in the mood to work on something bright and cheerful, so I chose all floral prints and put this top together. I used the Candy Cane Lane pattern from Eleanor Burns' Christmas at Bear's Paw Ranch book. I've made several quilts using this pattern and I've always been pleased with the results, but I really love this one! I'm not sure what it is that makes this one special...maybe it's just all of the bright floral fabrics and knowing that spring is finally here after a very long winter!


1. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

That is awesome. I think I like the red and the blue best of all

2. Anya said...

That turned out very nicely, Susan. It's amazing how unwanted fabric makes for some nice quilts sometimes...

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