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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Dandelions & Grandchildren

This week northern Pennsylvania is expected to have summer like temperatures, abundant sunshine and pure blue skies. With weather like that the dandelions will be popping up all over the yard. I know a lot of people curse the sight of the little yellow weed, but I always welcome them. I love the yellow polka dots against the green grass and what could possibly be better than a beautiful bouquet of bright yellow dandelions brought to you by a child who loves you? This week all of my children and grandchildren are all here together, so don't expect to see very many quilt related posts...I am going to be enjoying the warm weather and picking dandelions with my grandchildren!


1. Anya said...

I'm with you, Susan. I don't understand why people want to kill the bright cheery dandelions in their lawns...
Have a great week with everybody...

2. SueR said...

I'm fine with the dandelions, it's the violets I hate!!

3. LuAnn said...

Hi Susan Thanks for your nice comment on my blog. After scrolling down your page, I've decided to start saving my selvages again. I had to laugh out loud when I saw the charm party tote done in selvages. I saved that magazine for the purpose of making that tote. I love all the selvage projects you've done....also the Project Linus quilt.

4. Mary L. said...

My mother used to make the best dandelion wine!

5. Barb said...

My yard is full of those yellow dandelions, they don't bother me..although when they get to floating around the neighborhood with their fluffy heads, I am not sure the neighbors appreciate them :>)!! Enjoy your weekened with your grandchildren, they are a blessing!

6. Anonymous said...

I hope you have a marvellous time. We'd try making "dandylion and burdock" drinks as children with very bad results. I think it was because we didn't know what a burdock was so we used dock instead figuring that it was the same and helped with nettle rash. LOL

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