At last night's monthly meeting of the
Mountain Laurel Quilt Guild, members received some tips for organizing their sewing spaces from a professional organizer. Going into the meeting I thought that I was a fairly organized person and I still do for the most part. I have the clear totes to hold my fabric and supplies and like things are grouped together as she was suggesting, but I tend to not put things away after getting them out of those containers. When she came to the point in her talk where she said that horizontal surfaces were the enemy I knew that she was talking to me! I shook my head in agreement and made the comment that there was so much stuff on my ironing board right now that I couldn't iron anything even if I wanted to! Instead of sewing today I am going to clear off the horizontal surfaces in my sewing room and put everything in its place in an effort to give myself a more harmonious stitching environment. Once I have that done, I will try to spend a few minutes after each stitching session to tidy up as the organizer suggested (instead of just closing the door) and maybe my sewing room will stay a little neater from now on.
If you think you might be in need of professional help, you can visit the
National Association of Professional Organizers website to locate a professional organizer in your area.
So that's my problem..horizontal surfaces... It all makes sense now LOL. I'd clean them off, but then it would beg to have more stuff dumped on it. Same with recliners.
I hear you about the horizontal surfaces. I have the exact same problem. Since I got a sewing room though, I have tried to put all my tools away at the end of each sewing session. It makes me feel so virtuous (but really, it just makes everything easier to find when I need it). Funny, though, I let the rest of the house go to pot, but not my sewing room! LOL
I think I would be scared of a professional organiser. I do know what you mean though about flat surfaces. I confess to also being a draper in the sewing room where I will hang some fabrics together and live with them for a bit before using them.
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