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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Ready To Raffle!

The binding is on and the Very Berry Lemonade quilt is ready to be raffled off! All of the proceeds from this raffle will go to the Northern Tier Children's Home, a local non-profit organization that provides community based care for boys and girls. If you are in the area and would like a chance to win, raffle tickets can be purchased at the NTCH Thrift Store located in Whitneyville, PA.


1. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

The quilt is wonderful, love the colors. I hope they get a lot of money for the quilt.

2. Anonymous said...

That is so pretty. I hope it raises a lot of money for the charity.

3. Nancy said...

I would love to purchase a raffle ticket, but as I live in MI. that could be difficult. Are you selling any yourself? I could send you a check and when it clears you could send me my ticket.

4. Barb said...

Very pretty...the colors are wonderful! And I notice that you did sew the miles of binding down ☺, good girl! I am sure there will be many tickets sold for a pretty quilt for a very worthwhile cause!

5. Julia said...

I want that quilt! It's beautiful beyond words. I added a couple of photos and a video link to my last post you may want to look again.

6. Dena said...

Your raffle quilt is beautiful and should raise a lot of money for the children's home.

7. Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

it looks great!! i hope it raises lots of $$$

8. Jean said...

They will raise lots of money with this quilt.

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