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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

A New Quilter?

I brought a non-quilting friend with me to our guild's annual picnic last week and during the course of the evening she mentioned that she wished that she could make a quilt for her daughter-in-law who is battling cancer. I assured her that she could make a quilt and offered my help. Yesterday we got together for a crash course in quilting. As you can see from the photo, my student is a quick study! We used the disappearing nine patch pattern and had a great time playing with all of the different layout possibilities. Before the afternoon was over we had finished the center of the top, planned the borders and backing and even discussed her next quilt! I believe there may be a new quilter among us!


1. Feedsack Fantasy said...

What a pretty one! May she enjoy her new venture ... TTFN ~Marydon

2. Jocelyn said...

Now that's helping the economy :-)

3. Mrs Quilty said...

What a wonderful project!!! Your friend will be so glad she made that quilt for her ill friend and so appreciate of your help!!! Those colors are wonderful happy colors!!! Good Job!

4. Deb said...

That looks a lovely top Susan. You are such a kind and generous person sharing your talents

5. Molly said...

I do believe you have opened up a new world for her, and thanks for adding one more quilter to the bunch. It is really going to be pretty, tell her she has done a good job. Thimble thoughts

6. Jackie's Stitches said...

We all need someone like you in our lives to encourage us to do that thing we've been meaning to do! No time like the present!

She did such a great job! Of course, she had a fantastic teacher!

7. Anonymous said...

Oh well done Susan. I hope she gets the bug and has enjoyed making something so pretty. When you are unwell the feel of being wrapped in a lovingly made quilt is so special.

8. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

What a nice quilt top. Susan you are the best to help that lady learn to quilt and make a quilt for her daughter in law.

9. Jean said...

Wow she did a great job, and you did a great job as teacher!

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