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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Shirt Tales

Have you seen Bonnie Hunter's book, Scraps & Shirttails? It has some wonderful scrappy quilt patterns in it, but the main idea of the book is how to reuse, re-purpose and recycle old clothing so the fabric can be used in quilts. Quilting with clothing scraps isn't a new idea, but I'm thrilled that Bonnie has brought the time worn tradition back into style! I not only like the idea of making something new and beautiful from discarded clothing, but I love that old clothing can add extra sentimental value to a quilt. The shirt in this photo belonged to my daddy. It was one of his favorites because the French cuffs meant that he could wear one of the many sets of cuff links that he owned and liked so much. I knew after my daddy passed away that I would someday want to use his shirts to make a quilt, so they have been carefully packed away in my attic for the last year and a half. Up until now, I haven't had the strength to cut into them, but I need to add a little something extra to a very special quilt (more on that later), so today I will work up the courage to carefully take this shirt apart and give it a new life in a quilt.


1. Becky said...

What a wonderful post about your Dad! I too love the idea of reusing fabrics. Good luck with your project!

2. Barb said...

Your *daddy* would be proud, and happy to know that there is *not waste* with his shirts packed in a box and waiting for ??? HE WOULD BE PROUD! What a very thoughtful post, and yes Bonnie gives us many ideas in her book. I have already cut apart plaid shorts (that no longer fit) to use in *something* quilt like! Have a wonderful day even though it will be an emotional day with the shirts...remember your Dad would not want waste, do it with love!

3. Lori said...

The quilt you make will be very special!
I was looking for a specific type of fabric lately and ended up at the thrift store where I purchased 3 mens shirts.(I have Bonnie's book too) After washing them I was in my sewing room and one was *too* good to cut into. What to do?! It is now hanging in my son's closet- it fit him perfectly! So much for cutting the fabric in that shirt!

4. Jean said...

Can't wait to see what quilt you are using this for...any hints?

5. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

I have seen a few quilts made from that book, I should get the book, I love scrap quilts. That will be a quilt that will always have "special" meaning to you.

6. Mary L. said...

Great idea! Can't wait to see what you do.

7. Jocelyn said...

It will most certainly be a very special quilt. I've been reading more and more about re-purposing lately. Which is really the way many quilts were done years ago. This one will be a labor of love {{{}}}

8. Anonymous said...

We're looking forward to seeing what you come up with! ~ Noell and Travis

9. Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I hadn't thought about my Daddy's shirts, but I am now. What a great idea.

10. Anonymous said...

I missed your blog this morning, then a little birdie told me to read it tonight. I am very glad I did...He would definitely love what you are going to do with it! I think this will be the most special project yet. I won't say anymore ;)

11. Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

What a beautiful idea! I have a tie of my dad's, and I just like having it to look at. An entire quilt of his old shirts would have been wonderful; wish I had known of this years ago. Hope you go ahead with this!

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