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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Homemade Jelly Rolls

The other day I got together with a couple of friends to help sort through some of the many boxes of fabric that has been donated by our guild members for guild charity projects. While we were sorting and folding we came up with the idea to cut strips for some jelly rolls. Have you ever tried to roll a jelly roll of the fabric variety? It's not the easiest thing to do! It does take some practice and at least four hands to get them just right, but we thought these turned out nice enough to be used as door prizes at tomorrow night's MLQG guild annual picnic.


1. SewCalGal said...

Great door prize idea. And I agree with you the jelly rolls are not all that easy to roll. I'd really like to see how the professional jelly rolls are made.

But I have found the AccuQuiltGo cutter really helps to cut strips for the jelly rolls.


2. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

What a great idea. Hope you have a good picnic.

3. ~Laurie~ said...

What a great idea for the fabric - I bet it was hard to roll!! It will make the fabric a lot more marketable I think also if you ever decided to have a craft sale for your guild.

4. cottonreel said...

Hi ,I,m cottonreel, my friend bought me two and half inch strips from Keepsake, they were not rolled but folded and in a sort of flatpack

5. Dena said...

And how many quilters does it take to roll a jelly roll? LOL! Sorry, I couldn't resist. These will make nice prized for your guild.

6. Jackie's Stitches said...

What a cute idea and a wonderful prize! It's nice of your group to package it so prettily.

7. Betsy said...

This is such a great idea!

8. Anonymous said...

Very charming and folksy looking! I think they look so much more interesting than the commercial ones that are just sawed off all flush (and not necessarily square!).

9. anareis said...

I am doing a campaign for donations to my project of minibiblioteca Community and other activities for children and adolescents in my community lacking here in Rio. Need the help of all people of good heart, Why I am poor and have no financial conditions to build the project itself and the government does nothing in my community or asphalt we, our children does not have a playground for brincar.Pode donate 5.00 to 20.00, the donations can be sent in a letter (correspondence) and the Banco do Brasil Agency 3082-1 to 9799-3.Email: asilvareis10@gmail.com Visit my blogs: Eulucinha.blogspot.com worship your trip. DKO God enlighten everyone.

10. Melody said...

I love this idea! Maybe if I roll my extra stips and make them pretty..... I will use them!

11. Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

what a great idea!!

12. Karen said...

Very clever! They look like the perfect Jelly Roll.

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