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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Design Wall Monday

Anya and I were talking about all of the beautiful Bento Box quilts that we have been seeing on the quilting blogs lately which led to a little experimenting last week. Instead of making my blocks with the usual two colors and same width strips, I tried it with three colors and varied the width of the strips and came up with some interesting results. I still need to make a few more blocks, so I'm not sure what the final layout will look like, but I think I like the direction it's going in!

You can see Anya's Bento Box experiment at Hills Creek Quilter.

Be sure to stop by Patchwork Times to see what other quilters have on their design walls this week and add your latest project to the list too!


1. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

I don't think I have seen those. They are very interesting and look like they are fun to make.

2. Krista said...

I like it!

3. Jean said...

Interesting. I have made some that turn out similiar to these. Very pretty!

4. Barb said...

Hmmmm you and Anya are very creative gals...isn't it fun to just set yourself free and go for it! Looking good, can't wait to see the finished project!

5. Anonymous said...

That is new to me Susan. I like the way it is heading too. So unusual and almost 1950s looking.

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