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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's A Match!

Once again my local quilt shop has saved the day! They had a bright pink thread that was a very close match to what I needed to finish the quilting on my Quick Strippie. The new thread is a bit darker, but now that the quilting is finished it's very hard to tell the difference between the two threads. I don't think anyone will notice the difference. Now to get the binding done, so I can move on to the next project!


1. Barb said...

Oh that is such a pretty quilt, and looking at it on the screen I would agree the quilting thread looks just fine! Also when the quilt has the *quilted look* after moving it around a few times...it will be perfect! Have a great day!

2. Jocelyn said...

Such a cheerful quilt. Glad that you could find thread to match.

3. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Even if there is a slight difference no one will notice. That is one of the things only the quilter knows. Your quilt is so bright and happy looking.

4. Julia said...

I love the fabrics you have chosen for this quilt. I actually made dresses for my grand daughters out of these florals a year or so ago. They loved them.

5. Vivian said...

Bright and bold and beautiful -- brought to you today by the letter "B." Love the quilt! Glad your quilt shop had a thread color close enough.

6. Lori said...

The quilt looks wonderful and I'm sure nobody will notice the difference in thread color. One time I think I usd 5 different ecrus/off whites to get through some machine quilting. Of course, now, I wouldn't have any idea which quilt it was:)

7. Quiltdivajulie said...

Can you tell I'm catching up on blogs not read? I think this is an AWESOME, fun, cheerful quilt ~ two colors of thread? Why not!!

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