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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Christmas In July!

There is always a door prize drawing at our guild meetings...for a dollar you get a chance to win a lovely pack of fat quarters. I look at it as donating a dollar to the guild each month because my ticket is never drawn. Last night that changed...thanks to the young lady visiting from Georgia who pulled my ticket from the basket! I won these beautiful fat quarters from the Frosted Memories Christmas collection by Moda. It also happens that Needles Quilt Shop is having a Christmas in July sale this Thursday, Friday and Saturday and all of their Christmas fabric is 25% off and pre-cut fat quarters are only $1.25! I'm taking this all as a sign that I need to make a Christmas quilt, so I guess I will be Christmas shopping for companion fabrics this weekend!


1. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

congratulations on the win. Better take advantage of that sale!

2. Barb said...

WOW that is a pretty line of fabric, and I am hoping right over to check on the sale of Christmas fabrics, thanks for sharing! Congratulations on your lucky win!

3. Barb said...

OK adding a *p.s.* to my previous comment...I don't see that your quilt shop has online ordering ??? do you know? Will they be at the Quilt Odyssey Show in Hershey? Have a great day!

4. Deb said...

Congratulations on your win Susan,that certainly gives you a valid excuse to purchase more christmas fabrics, I agree.

5. Anonymous said...

Congratulations Susan the fabric looks so pretty. Oo a sale too! Ever get the feeling that some things are just meant to be made?

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