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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Don't You Hate It When This Happens?

This Strippie Quilt has been sitting in my sewing room all basted and ready to quilt since May...shameful, I know. I picked it up last night and wondered to myself why I have been putting off quilting it. I could have it quilted and bound in just a few hours, so I talked myself into finishing it up before starting on the Disappearing Nine-Patch that I planned out over the weekend. I decided to quilt simple free style curves along the strips...fast and easy! The only problem was that my estimation of how much thread it would take was off. I have 12" of quilt left to do and not nearly enough thread to finish the job. To add to the dilemma, I have no idea where I bought this thread or what the color number is. I guess I'll be making a trip to my local quilt shop today to see if I can find a close enough match. So much for a fast and easy finish!


1. Mrs Quilty said...

That has happened to me so many times and it's really frustrating...and more so if I don't have any more of that color!!!! Grrrr...oh the stresses of quilting..it's about that time I realize I need to take a deep breath and relax! That quilt looks so fun and colorful!

2. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Sorry for laughing. I posted a pix just like this one.....in the same boat girlfriend :)

I guess it makes life interesting ay?


3. rainey said...

The color number should be stamped on one end of the spool along with the manufacturer's name.

Still a PITA but you could call around and see who carries that manufacturer and color number.

4. andsewon said...

OH NO!!!! But OH YES a trip to the LQS... you need a break;-)
Love the bright pretty quilt too!!!

5. Dena said...

And my husband always wonders why I feel the need to buy extra yardage or an extra spool of thread or two. I hope you're successful if finding the perfect shade of thread so you can finish your quilt.

6. Julia said...

I thought that I had every color of thread possible in my collection, but just recently I realized that I needed coral, not red, not orange, not pink, but something in between. Now that I have this bummed up foot and can't drive I'll have to send my husband to match thread for me. Scary!!!

7. Barb said...

Whoops...but hey a great reason to hit the LQS, thread can be a good reason, and maybe some fabric will follow along home :>)!!

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