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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Very Berry Lemonade

The weather here in Pennsylvania has been much less than summer like this week. In fact it has been cold, wet and somewhat depressing. Remember the old saying, "if life hands you lemons, make lemonade"? Well that's exactly what several of my quilty friends and I did yesterday! Our charity quilt group was asked to make a quilt to be raffled off to benefit the local children's home and yesterday was the perfect day to be inside working on a quilt. We decided to use the disappearing nine-patch pattern with lots of purple prints and a yellow accent. I blame the dreary weather on the color choices, but as wild as they are, they work well together! Once the blocks were cut and placed on the design wall we all agreed that it looked like a Kool-Aid package, so it was appropriately named "Very Berry Lemonade"! Working on this bright quilt was a great way to spend a rainy summer day!


1. jovaliquilts said...

It's delightful -- I love the pops of yellow in it! Hope you raise lots of money with it.

2. Jean said...

The yellow really adds to the quilt...great choice...and no better way to enjoy a day than to sew with friends.

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