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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Color Purple

Purple has always been my sister's favorite color. Actually, saying that purple is my sister's favorite color is an understatement...my sister LOVES purple and anything that is purple! Lately purple has a new meaning for our family, because it is also the awareness color for Hodgkin's Lymphoma and my sister was recently diagnosed with that awful disease. She spent over a week in the hospital last month for diagnostic testing and to begin chemotherapy treatments. During one of my visits to the hospital she asked if I would make her a purple "Linus Blanket". I had the idea of making her a quilt as soon as I found out that she was sick and I had started collecting purple fabrics even before she asked. So much for the surprise...I had to tell her that I had one in the works special just for her. Now that my sister knows I'm working on a quilt for her I can share bits and pieces of the project here on my blog. (Yes, this is the special quilt that I eluded to in last Friday's post.) At first I thought that this might be a difficult quilt to work on because my sister was so sick and we weren't sure what the outcome might be, but the good news is that she is doing much better now that she has started chemotherapy! The lymphoma symptoms are subsiding and she is only having mild side effects from the chemotherapy, so I'm really hoping that this quilt will end up being more of a birthday present instead of a "Linus Blanket".


1. Mary L. said...

I hope your sister continues to have good results from the chemo and is able to enjoy your loving gift for many, many years. Bless you both.

2. Lori said...

That's awesome news about your sister. I hope she continues to do well.
I'm sure she would love a quilt from you if she was sick or not:)

3. Julia said...

Purple is so regal, relaxing, luscious, and fun all at the same time. I totally understand your sister's love for it. Purple paired with yellow and green is even better! I'm so sorry she's sick. I'm glad the treatment seems to be helping. My prayers go out to you and to her.

4. Jean said...

A purple quilt will be awesome and cheer her up immensely while going through this. I am glad she is doing better & hope improvement continues.

5. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

I do hope that your sister will get well. I know it will be hard on everyone but your quilt will help a lot. I will put her on my list for prayers.

6. Barb said...

Praying here in central PA, for your sister and for you! Purple how perfect, it gives great vibes, and surely will truly be loved by your sister. I know you are stitching lots of love into that quilt, with each stitch there is a prayer, so that means LOTS OF PRAYERS for her continued recovery!

7. Diana said...

So glad that your sister is responding well to treatment.

8. Deb said...

Susan, that is wonderful news about your sister. I bet she is going to love her quilt.

9. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

I am so glad to hear your sister is feeling better.


10. Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

I'll be praying for her and your family. What a beautiful idea to make a Linus quilt for her; I'm sure it will help you as well.

11. Anya said...

I had a hunch this was what your special project was. Glad to hear that your sis is doing well...

12. Krista said...

I can't begin to thank everyone for their support and prayers through this.

Susan has been especially wonderful through all of this. I cant tell you how many phone calls from a whiny little sister she has listened to, and trips to the hospital just to sit there and watch me sleep.

I don't know how I would ever get through thsi without her. The blanket just really shows what a great sister I have.

13. Rafael's Mum said...

What a wonderful idea! I hope you get on ok with it and am glad to just have read your sister is doing much better!

14. Karen said...

so sorry to hear of your sister's illness. A quilt is always welcomed no matter what the reason.

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