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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Binding Back-Story

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love plaid and striped bias bindings. In fact, a good share of my quilts end up with striped bias bindings, so some people may have a hard time believing that this purple gingham is not what I had originally planed on using for the binding on my sister's quilt. Shortly after I posted that I was gathering purple fabric for my sister's quilt I received an email from Marlene of Under the Rose saying that she had "some purple and white fabric" that she would like to send to me for my sister's quilt. By that time I had purchased all of the fabric needed, so I thanked her for the offer and suggested that it could be used for a Project Linus quilt, so if she really wanted to be rid of it, I would combine the scraps from my sister's quilt with her fabric to make a quilt to donate to Project Linus. She agreed that it would be a good use for the fabric and a box arrived on my doorstep a few days later. Remember she said "some fabric" which I assumed to be a yard or maybe two, so imagine my surprise when I opened the box to find eight yards of beautiful purple gingham fabric! On top of that, it matched my sister's quilt perfectly! There was no doubt that this fabric would end up in my sister's quilt after all, as the binding. As for the other seven yards, I have a feeling that I'm going to be making more than one purple quilt for Project Linus thanks to Marlene's generosity!


1. quiltingnana said...

what a great surprise!! Can't wait to see the quilt

2. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

I love the binding! Can't wait to see it on your sister's quilt! And thank you Susan for your kind words!

3. blushing rose said...

... don't take too long, suspense will get to us. Chuckle! TTFN~Marydon

4. Becky said...

Love the binding! What a gift! Now that would be a great thing to take out of the mailbox!

5. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

How wonderful. Now all we need is the Simplicity Bias Tape Maker to get those darn Binding Tips out so the quilt binding could be made in a few minutes. I'll have to come back to town I guess!!! How fun would that be.....don't answer that. LOL

6. Anonymous said...

That is so lovely. What a great finish for your sister's quilt. It will be so gorgeouys on baby quilts too.

7. Quiltdivajulie said...

Quilters are THE BEST!

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