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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

No Slacking!

This is just a little snippet of the quilt that I am making for my sister to prove that I really haven't been a slacker all week. My sister does know that I am making her a quilt and that it is purple, but I still want it to be somewhat of a surprise, so I'm not showing the whole quilt until after I have given it to her. I hope to have it all done by her birthday on the 25th, so that only leaves me two short weeks to do the basting, quilting and binding! Nope, no slacking for me!


1. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Well what little of it I can see looks great! Your teasing us.

2. Deb said...

Looking good what you are able to show us Susan. That swirly purple fabric is delish.
P.S. Thanks for the brownie recipe, on my to do list, maybe 2day or 2morrow for DS birthday.

3. Becky said...

We have the swirly heart material sewn into my six year old's quilt on her bed. But she has the pink one of it too. Three fabrics with the pink and the purple of them and that is one of them. I hadn't seen it in another quilt before and I love the little glimpse that you shared!

4. Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

I am not a purple fan, but this fabric is making me rethink purple. Looking forward to the finished quilt.

5. Barb said...

You are doing great, I have every confidence in your finishing up ability! I like what I see, and I know your sister will LOVE IT!

6. Anonymous said...

That looks great Susan- like a bed of bluebells. :-)

7. Mary Johnson said...

Good luck finishing this one in time. I don't usually work on a deadline but I have one I'm trying to finish by the 25th too.

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