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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Miles Of Binding

Anya has finished quilting the Very Berry Lemonade quilt and has passed it back to me, so I can put the binding on. What in the world made me volunteer for this job??? I normally make small quilts and wall hangings which don't take hardly any time at all to put the binding on. This one is full sized and all I can say is...Holy cow, it's a long way around this quilt!


1. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

I have done a few big ones too and your right, it seems like forever around the edge but I found it goes rather quickly.

2. Jean said...

lol....yea, not fun! Binding is my least favorite part to do.

3. Barb said...

But it is so pretty...you can do it because, it is for a good cause! Actually the binding is one of my favorite parts to do...ask Mickey, she will tell you, I always say "I love stitching the binding"...but now I have taught Mickey how and she does her own! As it should be passing on the stitching secrets! Have a great day!

4. Anonymous said...

You volunteered 'cos you're a lovely person. :-) Put a film on the TV and you'll hardly notice you're sewing.-well that worked when I was doing my Mum's lap quilt.

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