Over the weekend I took a few minutes and stitched my Dear Jane blocks together. Don't look too closely...there are points missing all over this quilt, but done is better than perfect, right? The next step will be deciding on borders. I'm thinking a narrow border of the solid tan and then some kind of scrappy pieced border followed by another tan border. Maybe a braided border or just a simple border of scrappy bricks? Anyone have suggestions?
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Susan, I like the way you have added off white solid blocks in between each DJ.
Are you not making all the blocks?
I only have 35 done. some are so hard.
That is looking good. I like your idea of a narrow tan border then an more elaborate outer one.
My hubby tells me that the mistakes that the quilter sees (and no one else does) are the things that make a quilt "perfect".And I didn't see any mistakes!
Your blocks are looking great, Susan. Mine are far from perfect too and I need to get back to finishing them so I at least can have the "done" part.
It looks very good to me... remember the *humility* part of quilt making...mistakes made show that we are humble, only God is perfect! Honestly only you know where your points are missing, and your eyes always head to that spot, the rest of us *see a wonderful DJ quilt*! I am sure whatever you do with borders will be great, so you go for it!
Looking great Susan, love it
I love your border ideas! What a cute quilt. I'd never thought of not making all the blocks. As a new quilter, I'd love to make this someday!
Looking good! I like your border idea.
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