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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Knitting With Chopsticks?

Isn't this little bag adorable? I just love the chopstick handles and the fancy green tassel and the oriental kitty fabric is just too cute! Jean of Jean's Page was holding a mega bag giveaway last week and I was fortunate enough to win this wonderful little bag. I told Jean that I thought it would be perfect for carrying a small knitting project and I even found the perfect project to carry in this bag...sushi anyone?


1. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Congratulations on your win. That bag is just too cute.You will have to knit up a storm.

2. Julia said...

Can you really knit with chopsticks? I bet you could. I love the bag!

3. Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

What a sweet bag!

4. Jocelyn said...

How very cute!!

5. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Again, another error!!! That was supposed to be mine...I'm so sorry she made that mistake. Just send it on to my house :)

Honestly now, how beautiful. I really love the colors. I'm so glad you won.


6. Deb said...

Congratulations on your win Susan. It is the cutest little bag. When I saw your post heading I wondered what on earth you were upto now-knitting with chopsticks!

7. Jean said...

Glad you like it Susan!!!

8. Mrs Quilty said...

Hey good for you, winning that bag....it is really pretty! Perfect for carrying a knitting/crocheting/embroidery project!! I knit too but do you really use chopsticks? haha

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