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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Six Years In The Making

It has taken six years to put this quilt top together, but my oldest UFO is finally ready to be quilted!

Did you work on your UFO this week?


1. Anne at Film and Thread said...

That must be a great feeling and it looks wonderful!

2. Lori said...

Nice UFO finish. That has to feel good!!

3. Barb said...

Sure must feel good....looks wonderful!!

4. Diane said...

that's such an awesome top, you must be so happy to be getting it quilted and ready to use! way to go!

5. Terry said...

Congratulations! Six years isn't that long! LOL

6. Pattilou said...

Great for you to finish that UFO! What a lovely quilt and you'll surely enjoy that feeling that completing UFO's brings!

7. Needled Mom said...

Worth every year of the six. It is lovely.

8. Gypsy Quilter said...


9. Joyful Quilter said...

Whoo Hoo, another one bites the dust. I can tell you are really determined to finish up those UFOs. Do you like this one? If not you can send it to me, I love scrapy quilts (hehehe).

10. Quiltdivajulie said...

Congrats on being able to cross this off "the list" ... way to go!

11. Victoria Findlay Wolfe said...

yes, I have so many that everything is a UFO around here!!! I like the pattern of this! a real cozy dream!

12. Cheryl said...

I knew you could do it ,Glad you have it done , I love the pattern.

13. Ariane said...

That is so great!! You must be so happy. It looks beautiful. I can't wait to see it quilted.

14. Julia said...

It would take me a lifetime to piece a quilt with that many pieces!

15. Shelly said...

Isn't that the best feeling? Congratulations! And it's beautiful besides!

16. Deb said...

What an awesome quilt though Susan. I bet it feels good to be finished it.
hugs Deb

17. KaHolly said...

I really like this quilt. This week I have been working feverishly on a signature/comfort quilt for one of our group members who is gravely ill. I have a basket full of scraps that would look great made up in this pattern. ~karen

18. Mary L. said...

I like it! Can't wait to see it quilted.

19. andsewon said...

WOW! You are really getting 'em done! Love this one!
Ya feel'in good I bet!!

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