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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Another One Bites The Dust!

I have been working at cleaning and organizing the closet in my sewing room and during the process I found this little wall hanging in the bottom of a bag. I started it way back, when I thought that I was going to be a hand quilter, so it was all hand quilted and only needed a binding. I don't know why I never finished it! Anyway, I put a binding on it this week and hung it up in my sewing room. Another UFO bites the dust!

Did you work on your UFO this week?


1. Barb said...

YEA!!! one more down and counting!!

2. Cheryl said...

Wow! Surprising how we find the ones we forgot we had and then wish we would have had it already done . I too found one I forgot about and that is of a applicaded school room .I still have to finish it .Good job on the hand quilting .Love the design too .

3. Joyful Quilter said...

I love little projects like that, very cute.

4. Betsy said...

Congratulations. I did work on a UFO but it still requires some work since I am hand quilting it.

5. Jackie's Stitches said...

This is so cute Susan! You can scratch another WIP off the list! Congratulations!

6. Julia said...

Yea for you!!! Doesn't it feel great to be finishing all of these UFOs?

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