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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

My Oldest UFO

There's no question that my oldest UFO is the match stick quilt that I showed yesterday. The pattern for the blocks is in the book, Allegro by Atkinson Designs. The book was brand new and being promoted at the 2004 Lancaster quilt show when I bought it. It was my first quilt show and I remember coming home excited to make a quilt with some of the Civil War Reproduction fabrics that I had been collecting, so I started cutting strips. Somewhere along the line, the excitement for this quilt wore off. I've tried to work on it in the past, but I always seem to lose interest. This time it WILL get done!


1. Jean said...

That is very cute. I can't wait to see it finished!

2. Barb said...

Oh yes, please keep on going with the quilt (UFO), it looks like it will be very pretty. Of course I love CWs and that adds to my cheering you on LOL! Have a wonderful weekend...lots of rain here, how about you?

3. Rene' said...

Good for you! I like your determination to pull out and work on some older UFOs. This one looks like a fun one.

4. Anonymous said...

I find it is hard to stick with a project too and juggle a few at at time...some never getting back to. I think this one is well worth the effort and especially since you mentioned CWs.

5. Joyful Quilter said...

I think it is amusing that the quilt I find an absolute chore to make is the quilt everyone else LOVES. I think your match stick will be that type of quilt. I can't wait to see your quilt finished.

6. Pokey said...

Go for it! amazing what a few minutes here and there can do, with a little attitude thrown in. :-}

7. Betsy said...

And when it is done, you will be so pleased because it is beautiful.

8. Quiltdivajulie said...

Just a thought ... who says the finish has to look like the "start" idea? Maybe that would help with the UFO'ness of this one.

9. Cheryl said...

I Love this !! I don't belive I have seen a matchstick quilt until now .This one needs to be shown .

10. Janet said...

It's going to look great and it doesn't look aged with the reproductions like some fabrics from back then would. Good luck, I'm cheering you on to a finish.

11. Jackie's Stitches said...

It really is a pretty quilt. I admire your determination to get those UFO's done! Thank you for the inspiration!

12. Vivian said...

It's going to be a great quilt when it's done. Those UFOs just have a way of hiding and being ignored, don't they? Quilting blogs are part of my problem. I see so many other great, exciting, new things to make. I'm trying to ignore the new and exciting and go back to the old and boring and get them done. (oops--that doesn't sound very self-motivating, does it?)

13. Anonymous said...

Brill Susan you have written it so it will have to happen now. Matchstick UFO your days are numbered!

14. Barb said...

Wow what a wonderful quilt....so I will be your cheerleader....and cheer you on to finish it!!

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