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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

After School Project

A couple times a week I pick my two oldest granddaughters (ages 6 and 9) up from school and they stay with me until their daddy picks them up after he gets done with work. Usually our afternoons are filled with homework and there isn't much time left for anything else once that is done, but the past couple of weeks they haven't had any homework because of school wide testing. The girls were playing in my scrap basket and I suggested that we could make a quilt with the scraps. They quickly pulled the brightest fabrics from the scrap basket, decided on the String Diamonds pattern from MaryQuilts.com and got to work. After just a few short afternoons we have half of the blocks for the quilt done. Unfortunately the testing is over and now we're back to doing homework after school, so our progress will probably slow down OR maybe this project will motivate the girls to get their homework done in record time so they can sew some more!


1. Needled Mom said...

I would bet that such a fun prject will be a motivator. It is looking great so far and it is wonderful to share your love with them.

2. Gypsy Quilter said...

What a great idea for those young and nimble fingers to work with. They'll treasure the memories long after the quilt wears out I'm sure.

3. Anonymous said...

I think the best thing about this is the time spent they will remember fondly for years to come! My grandma didn't quilt; I wished she did. She crocheted and made so many lace doilies....I was mezmerized watching her fingers fly.

4. Cheryl said...

This is a great idea , Chloe is 8 so maybe she will be interested in starting one this summer , Sarah is 4, I bet she would help pick out the colors really good . Great job the girls are doing ,can't wait to see it finished .

5. Dena said...

What a fun project for the three of you to work on together. Great color palette. Love those brights!

6. Deb said...

I bet that has been great fun to be able to do it with them Susan. It must be nice to be able to share your passion with them now that they are of an age to be able to attempt it themselves.
hugs Deb

7. Sandra said...

What a great project! Love the bright colors :)

8. Jackie's Stitches said...

Tell the girls that I love their project! I know they're going to treasure this special time with you.

9. Anonymous said...

What a great idea and what lucky gals to have you for their grandmama. You are creating memories to last a lifetime.

I truly believe they are future members of the Mountain Laurel Quilt Guild.

10. Julia said...

What lucky girls to have you nearby and to teach them to sew!!! These colors are gorgeous. I can't wait to see the progress on this!

11. Rene' said...

This sounds like a win win situation for you and your granddaughters: they learn from you and you share your gift with them! Looks like they are following in the talented steps of their grandmother. These string blocks are so pretty. Love the colorful fabrics they chose.

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