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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Flower Power

It certainly has been a glorious spring here on the east coast! Above average temperatures and lots of sun mixed with just the right amount of rain has everything blooming in a riot of color. Unfortunately with all of the beauty comes massive amounts of pollen, which can make this time of year pretty miserable for those of us who suffer from seasonal allergies. I believe that I'll be admiring the beautiful blooms from my sewing room window this weekend...with a box of tissues close at hand!


1. Anonymous said...

Poor Susan: nature is beautiful (especially at this time of the year) but for some people like you (my husband and our big boy) it means lots and lots of tissues. Take good care and have a lot of fun in your sewing room while admiring the beauty of nature through the window. Have a nice weekend.

2. Terry said...

Great picture! I was just thinking this morning how nice it is to finally see the beginning of leaves on the trees! I do believe that the nicer weather may finally be here to stay! :0)

3. Barb said...

The flowers this year are just spectacular, but also very fragrant and hard on those with alergies! Enjoy your view from inside the house, while stitching away! Have a great weekend!

4. Cheryl said...

Glad the flowers are blooming good , Our is here too. but the pollen off the oak trees are very thick this year !
Mom's Pear tree was loaded with white blooms .

5. Catherine said...

Beautiful picture of the yellow flowers/blossoms. What a lovely view from your sewing room window.

6. Quiltdivajulie said...

It's a terrible situation - such beauty v. such suffering! The pollen count here in Memphis was over 3,000 the other day (and will go higher) compared to the normal 200 ~ Achoo! But I still ADORE the beauty of Spring . . .

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