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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Day Of Quilty Fun in NY!

Early yesterday morning a couple of friends and I headed north towards the Finger Lakes of New York to attend the Lake to Lake Quilt Guild's bi-annual quilt show. We spent the morning looking at a wonderful display of quilts and shopping at the vendor's booths. After the show we decided that it would be fun to shop our way home. We made stops at Material Rewards, Sew Pieceful, Sew What? Fabric Shoppe and Corning Stitch Works. We even found time for a quick side trip to the Addison Historical Society to see a small display of antique quilts. What a wonderful relaxing way it was to spend the day!


1. Joyful Quilter said...

Sounds like a wonderful trip, what could be better than friends, quilts, and lots of shopping.

2. Barb said...

How fun, to shop your way home....what goodies did you buy?

3. Anonymous said...

What a great way to spend a Saturday. Sounds like alot more fun than staying home and cleaning house and cooking like I did!

4. Dena said...

What a great way to spend your Saturday. Did you buy anything special on the way home?

5. Janet said...

I don't think there are that many quilt shops within an easy distance to travel around my parts.
Seeing the antique quilts must have been a highlight.

6. Zlaty said...

What a great day of shopping with friends!


7. Cheryl said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful Day ,I love the quilt you are showing with the grapes and the 9 patched border, it is beautiful !

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