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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Blanket Report

Back in January I purchased a stack of fleece on sale with the plan of making it all into blankets for Project Linus. I'm happy to report that I just finished the last blanket from that batch of fleece and 12 more blankets have been donated to Project Linus! Hmm....I guess this means that it's time to go fleece shopping again.


1. Barb said...

That is so wonderful.....

2. Julia said...

You are the most generous and giving person I know.

3. Cheryl said...

Good for you , I love the feel of fleece but I never did any crochet on them ,I have seen some of Krista's too .they are lovely!

4. Kim said...

Wow you really made the fleece look special with your handwork....is this one layer of fleece or two ?

Who wouldn't want to cuddle up with it?

Happy sewing

5. Anonymous said...

The lil' cowboy still sleeps with his all the time! Even on warm nights!! ~ Noell

6. Deb said...

They just look so wonderful Susan. You are such a kind soul and so thoughtful. Fleece is so warm and snuggly.
hugs Deb

7. Rene' said...

You are so good with your dedication to Project Linus!!!

8. Shelly said...

Wow! You work fast! If that were me, I'd still have a pile of fleece laying there . . .

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