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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

One Thing Leads To Another

If an occasional diversion keeps us fresh, what does two diversions do? I borrowed the book Bits and Pieces from a friend not long ago and fell in love with the Plaid Coins quilt pattern (along with several others in the book). I made note of the pattern and set it aside, but seeing the Chinese Coin selvage quilt on the Selvage Blog reminded me of the other coin quilt pattern and then when I came across these pink and brown selvages in my stash...well one thing led to another. Something tells me that two diversions means that I'm not going to have any UFO progress to report this week.


1. Needled Mom said...

I am loving your Chinese Coin selvage projects. Great idea!

2. Dena said...

Amazing what people are doing with the selvages today. Great idea to incorporate them into a Chinese Coin quilt.

3. Gypsy Quilter said...

Love the color combo.

Something tells me that one of the fabric designers will soon come out with yardage that resembles selvege edges. After that, someone will design a kit. LOL.

4. Mrs Quilty said...

I've seen a few samples using selvages. Amazing! What will they come up with next? I also love the Chinese Coin!! Very nice.

5. Diane said...

your inspiring me to work with some selvages, which I've only recently started to save...I don't think I need a diversion tho'

6. Pat said...

I've never worked with selvages, because I never remember to SAVE them. Someday I will, though. I like what you are doing with them.

7. Joyful Quilter said...

Hmmm, I think you may be right, no UFO report this week....so is a quilt a UFO if you don't work on it for one day? The 1st coin quilt is now your UFO...problem solved...hehehe

8. Pokey said...

These are pretty cool. I'm collecting, and friends often share "short" strips, so this looks like a great idea!

9. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

It seems that anything that is done with Selvages turns out great. It will be a nice quilt and you will be glad you had the diversion. I have been saving up selvages for something too.

10. Janet said...

I love it, never mind about the ufo's, they'll still be there next

11. Barb said...

Oh my gosh that is just too cute...what a clever idea! You know the selvage thing is really catching on, even my granddaughter is trimming them off and giving them to me! One day I hope to actually use my selvages for a project :>)...thanks for sharing! Have a great week, is it cold in your part of PA?

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