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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, April 5, 2010

No Longer A UFO!

What was once a UFO is now a finished quilt...right down to the last binding stitch! Yessirree, I can cross this one off the UFO list because it is 100% DONE!


1. Diane said...

oh it's so pretty and "yea" for a finish. woohoo to you!

2. ktquilts said...

I need to go get my thangles quilt UFO out of storage!!!!! Great, beautiful finish!!


3. Barb said...

Congratulations on a finish, UFO done and you should feel good about it! I like the colors! Have a great week...keep on stitching!

4. Quiltdivajulie said...

Congrats on the finish - doesn't it feel GOOD to cross things off "the list" ?!?!?!?

5. Barb said...

Awesome!!! Looks great!

6. Julia said...

That is a gorgeous quilt. The colors are delicious!

7. Jean said...

You go girl...getting the hang of that quilting machine I see.

8. Dena said...

Congratulations! You did a fantastic job.

9. Janet said...

Hooray, a finish is so sweet. It looks very pretty.

10. Jackie's Stitches said...

Congratulations! What a great finish!

11. antique quilter said...

good for you one down!!!
such a pretty quilt

12. andsewon said...

Look at you!!!100% done no less!!!
Very pretty too!

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