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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I Won!

Dena at Threads To Fabric held a giveaway not long ago to celebrate her 100th post and guess who was the lucky winner? The package that arrived in my mailbox yesterday contained 3 1/2 yards of assorted bright pink prints as well as two spools of matching variegated thread and a beautiful embroidered hand towel that just happens to match my kitchen perfectly! What a wonderful surprise! Thanks again, Dena!


1. Jocelyn said...

Wow, congratulations! Enjoy.

2. Hazel said...

Congratulations what a lovely gift

3. Rene' said...

Congratulations on your win! Looks like some fun fabrics in that bunch.

4. andsewon said...

Well now congrats to you.
What a wonderful gift package to receive!

5. Dena said...

I'm glad you and your granddaughters are enjoying the fabric and thread. What a great bonus for the hand towel to match your decor. Enjoy!

6. Deb said...

Congratulations Susan, how wonderful.
hugs Deb

7. Joyful Quilter said...

Whoo Hoo! Congratulations, what a nice win. Are you going to share with your granddaughters?

8. Jean said...

lucky you!!! what pretty fabrics and towel.

9. Pokey said...

So happy for you, Winner!

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