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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

What A Nice Surprise!

I had to share this lovely wall hanging that my friend, Deb from The Angel and the Pukeko, sent to me for my birthday. She said as soon as she saw the pattern she knew she had to make it for me. I guess it is known world wide that I am not a fan of winter! What I don't think Deb knew, was that the package would arrive one day before our first snowfall! (We are under a winter storm warning for 4-12 inches of snow!) Perfect timing...I'm going now to hang this in my sewing room and I'm not coming out until spring!


1. blushing rose said...

How lovely a gift to enjoy with your first snowfall. We had sleet, YUP!, here in MD. last night.

Have a lovely white day. TTFN ~Marydon

2. ~Laurie~ said...

How beautiful! Perfect saying :)

3. quiltingnana said...

snow...one thing I don't miss about NE PA....do miss the fall foliage though.

We are having rain here.

Keep warm quilting!!!

4. Quiltdivajulie said...

Very Special, Indeed!

It has been raining here ~ we may or may not ever see any snow during our winter (doesn't stop us from wishing for snow days, though!)

5. julia said...

What a wonderful gift!

6. Hazel said...

What a lovely gift ,We had our first snow flurries here today ,the fist of many I'm sure ,time to settle in for a long winter .

7. Jocelyn said...

What a lovely gift! And I'm with you girl. I'm allergic to winter.

8. Jackie's Stitches said...

We need to trade places for a while! My A/C is still running like a maniac!

What a wonderful and special gift!

9. andsewon said...

Love it..such a sweet gift.;-)
Yes heard on weather channel you all are to have a bit of the white stuff.
Goodness seems to be starting early this year!
We only have rain but to be this way all weekend too.
Stay in and sew, keep warm!

10. Rene' said...

Enjoy the snow. We are having a heat wave. May cool down into the mid-70's by the weekend ;-))

11. Janet said...

Deb does beautiful stitchery, what a nice gift.

12. Khris said...

This is gorgeous...lucky you..hugs Khris

13. Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

i love winter but that stitcher is absolutely adorable! you must have a good friend to have done so much work on a stitchery for you!!

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