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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Set Up And Settled Back!

I finally have my new machine and frame all set up and everything settled back into my sewing room. The hardest part of this purchase was clearing the room out and then deciding what was going back in and what wasn't. I found that I had stored a lot of things in my sewing room that I didn't use or had nothing to do with sewing, so I applied the Clean Sweep rules and put it all in keep, sell or toss piles. Believe it or not, I actually have more space now with the frame and new machine than I did before! Now I just need to get a quilt top finished, so I can try this baby out!


1. Jackie's Stitches said...

I can't believe you have more room now! Isn't that neat how that worked out?!

Would love to see pics of your sewing room...

2. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

How exciting! So I guess you will be busy sewing a quilt so we can all see the quilting on it with your new machine.

3. Mary L. said...

Bet you are going to love it! Keep us posted!

4. Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

You are going to have so much fun with your own machine in your studio!! Enjoy!

5. Barb said...

OK now we want to see more...quilts and quilting that is! Lucky you, and I truly am happy for you! Have a fun time with your new setup!!

6. Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new baby Susan. Oh I can just imagine how your fingers are itching to try her out. :-)

7. Anya said...

I expect to see something finished by Wednesday!

8. Jean said...

It looks great....you will never stop now!

9. Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

i love that you did it clean sweep style!! i heart that show & have learned so much from it... i'm in the purging process again right now as I have too much fabric for my little space!

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