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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


A few weeks ago I asked for suggestions for how to use up odds and ends of leftover yarn. One of those suggestions was to make a Project Linus blanket by crocheting an edging around some fleece. It's a fast easy way to dress up a yard of fleece, especially if you use a skip stitch blade in your rotary cutter to pre-cut the holes. The yarn that I am using for this blanket is called Bliss by Caron. The label says that it is "plush furry softness" and they aren't kidding...it's just about the softest yarn I have ever worked with and it makes a wonderful fuzzy binding! You can find full instructions for this blanket at www.skipstitch.com/instructions.


1. Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Great idea! Great blankie!

2. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

I think that is an excellent idea. What a nice soft gift....I'm sure who ever gets it will love it.


3. Jackie's Stitches said...

I've never heard of a skip stitch blade. Neat!

4. Debbie said...

What a great idea, Susan. Thanks for turning us on to it. I think it would be worth your while to check out my blog again! ;);)

5. jovaliquilts said...

What a great idea! I have used stitched on fringe fleece, but this would be about as fast and it's something I could do sitting in my chair away from the machine. Thanks!

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