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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


I'm late to the party, but better to show up late than not at all, right? Have you heard about Socktoberfest? It's a month long celebration of sock knitting! I love to knit socks, but I don't do a whole lot of knitting while the weather is nice (or when I have a new quilting machine). I don't know if I can get this pair finished by the end of the month or not, but that's my goal!


1. Anonymous said...

Good luck Susan I hope you manage it.

2. Mrs Quilty said...

I really want to learn how to make socks soon! I love knitting but three quilt clubs keep me pretty busy. Am knitting a throw for my daughter and after a year, am still not finished. Guess socks will come someday!

3. randi said...

I wish I could knit! Tried it, but decided to stick to sewing. :)

Best wishes getting those lovely socks done!

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