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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Airing Of The Quilts

Yesterday was much too beautiful of a day to spend cooped up in my sewing room with a stack of instruction manuals, so Anya and I got in the car and went to Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania for the annual Airing of the Quilts. After a solid week of rain and temperatures that barely got above 50 it was wonderful to walk up and down the streets enjoying the warm weather and sunshine while looking at beautiful quilts displayed on front porches and picket fences. I can't think of a better way to have spent the day!


1. Colleen said...

Thank you for sharing your beautiful quilt show pics. I love seeing quilts hanging outdoors.

2. Jean said...

Oh what fun...I have never been to an outdoor show.

3. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Some really nice quilts there. Sounds like it was a good way to spend a nice sunny day.

4. Michele said...

Thanks so posting this. I had never heard of this event, and looks like a perfect way to spend an early fall day. I've put it on the calendar for next year.

5. julia said...


6. BROOKE said...

I'm so jelous. They participate in the annual airing of the quilts in Marysville KS with is about a 2 hour drive from my location and we've been planning on going for MONTHS - and of course Greg got called in for orientation on his new job smack dab in the middle of the time frame so there was no way to go before or after.

7. Deb said...

Great pics Susan, what a wonderful event to be able to go to. I cold easily spend a day doing that.
Do you display your quilts from your verandahs in your area?

P.S. keep an eye on the mail.

8. Vivian said...

What a great event. Wish I'd been there. I can just feel the gentle breeze, seeing the movement on those quilts.

9. antique quilter said...

sorry I missed this I really thought about coming out to see this exhibit
looks like it was a great show, beautiful weather too

10. Rene' said...

What a fun thing to do. Thanks for the link. I'll check it out. As far as I know, there isn't anything like that near me.

11. Lori said...

How fun! And what beautiful quilts!!

12. Quiltdivajulie said...

No one here does anything like this ~ what a wonderful concept! So glad the weather cooperated and you had a grand day... quilts outdoors create the very best photos!

13. andsewon said...

Loved these pics!! So cool seeing them blowing in the breeze!!

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