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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What Was Lost, Now Is Found

Remember the story of the lost needle from a couple of weeks ago? Mystery solved...Miss Two found it "the hard way" yesterday. Miss Two was in the living room laying on her belly with her feet under the sofa and sure enough, the next thing I knew she was saying very nonchalantly, "I found it." "Found what?" I asked. "The pin that you lost." she said, as she held up her foot with the needle still sticking out of it! About that time I started to panic, but thankfully it wasn't that bad, just a little poke, no blood and not even any tears. All was made better with a foot massage and being named the one to select the lunch menu for the day. If only all of life's problems could be solved with a good foot massage and macaroni and cheese "the box kind"!


1. Jean said...

Ouch! At least you found it and don't have to worry anymore. I always worry when I can't find one I dropped.

2. ~Laurie~ said...

Poor sweety! At least it wasn't that bad of a poke!

3. jovaliquilts said...

At least she didn't step on it! What a good sport. And you got mac n cheese as a result!

4. Barb said...

Whewwww now that is no longer an issue for you...I am happy that your little one handled it so well. She is a brave little gal...and the only thing she needed was that *mac-n-cheese* in the box ;>)!!
I love your DJs and the choice of the additional fabric on your previous blog entry...gets my vote!

5. Deb said...

Great that the mystery has been solved abd what a brave Miss 2, she's not alone with her "Boxed" Mac cheese, our Miss 17 is of the same mind!

6. Jocelyn said...

Yeah! Glad the needle was found. Yep, macaroni and Cheese can solve life's problems :-)

7. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Glad the needle was found and nothing serious happened. I had lost one about the same time but found mine the other day as the light hit it just right.

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