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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, June 26, 2009


There hasn't been a whole lot of stitching going on this week due to a sudden outbreak of SUMMER here in Pennsylvania! I've been finding every excuse imaginable to be outside to soak up all the sunshine I can while it lasts. I love this weather, but if it keeps up, I may have to take the advice of a friend and move my sewing machine to the picnic table in the backyard!


1. Anya said...

You'll definitely find me outside sewing on my deck this afternoon. Go ahead, give it a try!

2. Anonymous said...

Oh yes sewing in the sun is so lovely.

3. Julia said...

I never thought about sewing outside, but the idea sounds great. It's too hot here though.

4. Jocelyn said...

ha,ha, welcome to summer. There is just something about the beauty of summer that makes me want to be outside all the time (well everything except the heat :-)


5. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

I am so glad you finally got some sunshine to enjoy.

6. Jean said...

Glad it finally warmed up for you guys...it has been very hot here all week, in the 90s. Ouch!

7. Deb said...

Susan, the weather looks fabulous. We are having -2degC here at moment but the sun does manage to pop its head out for about 5hrs. Roll on spring.

8. Diana said...

Oh my! The weather this summer is one for the books.

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