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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Looking For Sunshine

It's another gray, rainy day here in Pennsylvania. I know I should be happy that there have been so many unexpected quilting days this summer, but I really would like to see some sunshine! The weatherman is promising sunshine and summer weather for next week, so until then I'll just have to find bright spots wherever I can find them...like these stella d'oro daylilies that are blooming outside my front door.


1. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

We have had a lot of rain lately too and some severe weather, now it is hot and still some chances of rain so I know how you feel.

2. Julia said...

I know what you mean about the weather! If it isn't raining here it's HOT!1 It's been nearly 100 the past few days. Your flower picture is pretty and sunshiny!

3. Jocelyn said...

It was so hot today when I went out! It felt like an oven. Your flower is beautiful. Enjoy the rain, some of us would love to have some ;-)

4. Jean said...

Well, get ready because we were rainy and cooler, and then the sun came out and it has been hot and humid...90's a couple days last week. So if that is coming your way, get out the pool!

5. Anonymous said...

The sock is looking fab. I'm using our rainy days as an excuse not to do the garden but to work on the house.

6. Barb said...

Beautiful Daylilies ~ a bit of brightness on yet another dreary day in PA! Have a great week! Enjoy your quilting time!

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