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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Icy Conditions

I honestly thought about taking my sewing machine outside yesterday afternoon, so I could enjoy the warm weather and get a little stitching done at the same time. Thank goodness I didn't though, because the sunshine quickly turned to severe thunderstorms that produced thunder, lightning, high winds and hail larger than quarters! Do you think homeowners insurance would cover a sewing machine damaged by a hail storm? Imagine trying to explain that one to an insurance claims adjuster!


1. Julia said...

Wow! Mother Nature is just hard to understand! It's hot here again today. I just got home from a burial and memorial service. The burial was at 10:00 this morning. Thank goodness, because it was already very hot at that time.

2. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Hail sure can do a lot of damage. It is normal for us here at times to get hail the size of golf balls or soft balls.

3. Jocelyn said...

Whoa-ho! The insurance adjuster would look at you and say "SURE lady!"

4. Anonymous said...

Ok, sometimes I swear I live in a totally different state! How do we keep missing these storms????


5. Jean said...

Not a good idea, it would also be hard to explain the dents in your head too.

6. Jackie's Stitches said...

Hail can cause so much damage. I hope you're ok.

We had bad weather yesterday too.

7. Deb said...

Wow, a little bit of our ew Zealand just to keep you grounded Susan. Mother Nature is a trick isn't she.

8. Liz said...

Your summer sounds as fickle as our winter is and insurance, now thats a whole different barrel of laughs.
Big Hugs, lizzie

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