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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, June 8, 2009

What Is On Your Design Wall?

For the past few Mondays Judy at Patchwork Times has asked the burning question, "What is on your design wall?" and because I actually have something on my design wall this week, I thought I would join in.
These are my Dear Jane blocks in position and waiting for setting blocks. I've decided to use the fabric shown in the lower left corner for the setting blocks. (The color isn't quite accurate...it is actually more tan and not nearly as gold as it is showing up in this photo.)
Stop by Patchwork Times to see what other quilters have on their design walls this week and add your latest project to the list too!


1. Mary L. said...

How wonderful! Your DJ is going to be great!

2. jovaliquilts said...

So all your DJ blocks are finished? That's great!

3. Jocelyn said...

Wow this looks so great!!

4. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Looks like a perfect choice to me. It will be beautiful when it is done.

5. Julia said...


6. Diana said...

I like the idea of using setting squares with the DJs. It's going to look really good!

7. Judy D in WA said...

Your DJ is going to be wonderful. I have resisted the DJ temptation so far. :) Thanks for sharing.

8. Deb said...

Susan your DJ blocks look fabulous, love the colours.I would so love to have a wall for a design wall but the sewing room has shelves which DH wants to stay so my design wall travels between rooms when I need it.

9. Jean said...

You got that together quickly! Very nice, can't wait to see it finished.

10. Karen said...

Beautiful!! I love the idea of setting blocks. A perfect way to frame the DJ's.

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