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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Ami Simms Is Coming To The MLQG!

You may remember that our guild held an AAQI (Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative) Mini Retreat in April for guild members who wanted to make mini quilts to donate to the Ami Simms Priority: Alzheimer's Quilt Project. The mini quilts in this photo are the ones that I am donating to Ami when she visits our guild next week. Yes, I said next week! It seems like we have been waiting such a long time for this day and it's almost here! Ami will be giving a lecture at the MLQG's monthly meeting Friday evening and then Saturday she will be teaching an all day string quilting workshop. I'm looking forward to attending both events!


1. Bunny said...

How lucky for you and your Guild. Love your donations.

2. M. Regina said...

Beautifil your mini quilts, and very important donation.Hugs from Brazil

3. Lori said...

Your quilts are really nice. My mom has been recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's and I've been considering making a small quilt for the cause.
Have a wonderful time.

4. Barb said...

Beautiful quilts for a very worthwhile cause ~ thank you for doing the quilts! You are so fortunate that your guild has so many wonderful speakers, teachers, retreats and events...enjoy, enjoy!

5. jovaliquilts said...

You'll have such a good time! She taught a string workshop at our guild and it was lots of fun.

6. Deb said...

Susan, those wee quilts are so lovely. I can visualise a whole wall filled with little quilts like those would be stunning.
Oh forgot to say the colours of the poppy in your previous blog are stunning.

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